Sunday, February 28, 2010

Reformation Tour

At the beginning of our trip, we will spend some days at Château Solier in the Cévennes hills. We will visit le mas Soubeyran and follow the steps of the early French protestants. They were called Huguenots. They lived courageously for the Lord during a time of religious persecution. I recommend reading How They Kept the Faith by Grace Raymond. This book is fiction, but it demonstrates the kind of lives they lived and takes place in the same villages where we will be: Anduze and La Salle. The author's real name was Annie Raymond Stillman. You can find this book in the library or on

Sunday, February 14, 2010

La Jungle

Several students from Michigan and TPS are hoping to join us. We have a variety of students from JH French through high school. Our theme will be La Jungle. Pray with us as we raise our funds and get ready for this trip.