Monday, July 19, 2010

End of VBS Update

I'm now back home in Michigan, but wanted to update you on the 'final' news of the 2010 VBS in France.

Since the Friday post was entered, 2 others prayed to receive Christ in St. Paul. If you're following this blog, you already know about the 4 boys who made decisions earlier last week. On Friday, 2 girls made their decision to become Christ-followers. Very exciting.

We leave them in the capable hands of the Arnold's and Orazco's, who will be following up with these precious children and their families.

Pray for these 6 from St. Paul and the one in Marseilles -- that their understanding of what God wants with their lives will grow and flourish, and they would grow to bear fruit also.

Thank you for your prayers for our efforts in France. But keep on praying for the "fruits" of our labors.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Update - July 16, 2010 - Written by Maureen Orsini

Praise God for the work He is doing in France, and the privilege our team has had in serving Him. We are just finishing up our second week of full day VBS in very warm Provence! Thank you for praying because God is calling His little lambs to himself and 5 children have (individually and on different occassions) answered the call to "Get Found"!

This was our 3rd year of ministry in Marseille and we were very encouraged when J. asked me how to recieve Jesus in his life during crafts. He was well known by our previous teams as one of those boys who were quite "difficult", with a very hard background (adopted off the streets in Eastern Europe at 5 years old). We noticed a big change in his life this year and recognized God's working. Dominique was able to have a great one on one with him and led him in the sinner's prayer asking Christ to wash away his sin and abide in his heart! There is much rejoicing in heaven over one repentant sinner!

This week in St. Paul de Vence, 4 boys, (C.,12, A., 12, T., 10 and E., 8) have prayed on different occassions to recieve Christ. Heaven is rejoicing and so are we. It is such a joy to see their enthusiam to learn about God through the Bible and to choose to sing "I'm Following JESUS!". They all come from unchurched families. Pray that their families will come to the ceremony today and also to the church on Sunday. Two of the boys live close enough to be able to walk to church on their own and have said they will do so. We know that no one comes to the Father unless the Father draws them. Thank you for your continued prayers! It is such an encouragement to see fruit in our ministry and to know that these children and their familes have a place to come and grow and learn more from the ICC church plant here. James Arnold is a great teacher and he is well supported by the Orosco family for discipleship.

There is aslo a Buddist man (L.) who has been coming to the church, helping out, and is seeking God. I know the Lord is drawing him to Himself. Please pray for L., with whom we were able to clearly present the gospel as well.

Ismini is flying home today, so I am where her VBS director hat as well. She is such an awesome joyous leader, and we have been so blessed by her work. The rest of the team will head out on Sunday. Pray that we finish strong!

God is good and we are rejoicing in His work here and what he will soon be doing in the hearts of his little ones at the VBS at Faith church.

Robby Hambd, our missionary to Lebanon has been such an encouragement to me, with his story of coming to Christ (despite being raised in a Druze Muslim home) through a Christian kids camp, at about the same age of these boys. May God guard and keep them and raise these children up for His own glory.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your powerful and effective prayers!

Maureen for the France Mission Team

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Skit from Opening Yesterday

Drama, skits and stories are key ways to present Bible truths to young children. Here are some action shots...

Thursday, July 15th

We're having exciting days with the children here in St. Paul de Vence.

Yesterday we set a new record for enrollment for this location.

Yesterday we talked about the story of the "lost sheep" and discussed how Jesus always goes in search of his "lost sheep".

One boy, C., about 8 years old, asked his "main group" teacher how he could receive Christ. She told him that he just needed to invite Jesus to come into his life. "That's all?" he asked. "Yes," his teacher said. "Well then, I want to invite Him in."

Earlier in the week, an 8-year-old girl asked for her own Bible. All we had available at that moment was a very easy reader Bible designed to be read to preschool children. She took it home and read it all the way through that night -- about 150 or so pages. The next day she returned and said she wanted a Bible with "the little numbers" on it, and wanted to know how to use the numbers". Exciting.

Thank you for your prayers and for being here in spirit, and keep on praying for these children. You are a valued asset to this ministry.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

We’re set to start our 3rd day of bi-lingual VBS in St. Paul de Vence with 37 children. A team from Texas joined us here.

Had trouble uploading things to the blog in Barbara Starosciak’s place, but I think the technical problems are now solved. Some of our teens will write some comments and upload photos later today.

In the meantime and always, know that your prayers are very much treasured – and needed. Without His power, nothing lasting will come of this.

Ismini, our fearless VBS leader shared these sobering statistics about the spiritual condition of France with us in our prayer time this morning:

• The least religious nation in Europe (46%)
• 21% declare themselves as atheists
• Islam is the 2nd religion of the country
• Only 0.8% are born-again believers – less than 1%
• Only 16% believe there is one true religion

I was able to talk for awhile with a young man, L., who just started investigating the Bible’s claims of Christ, who is trying to decide between Buddhism and being a Christ-follower. Please pray for him.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Blog continued in St. Paul de Vence

Sunday, July 11, 2010

We arrived in Vence, near Nice, late yesterday. This week’s lodging is in the care of nuns about a 15 minute drive from the English-speaking Baptist church – which is just outside the walled city of St. Paul de Vence.

Nice is a beautiful mountainous area along the Mediterranean. Some of the roads leading up the mountains to Vence and St. Paul are, not surprisingly, twisting and narrow.

This morning we attended services at the Baptist Church, and met their regular attenders, as well as the new part of our team for the week – a group from the Dallas area. Sadly, we lost much of our Marseilles team at the end last week, including many of our French speakers – but were able to replace them with incoming people.

The members of the church welcomed us with a lavish spread of food at a potluck lunch following the worship service.

Some of those we met were seekers who have been attracted to the lives of believers in the church. Just as Jesus ministered “life-on-life”, the believers are encouraging these seekers to consider Jesus for themselves.

Following the completion of set-up for our VBS session this week, we had time for a little R & R, so to be well-rested and prepared for the busy upcoming week.

Pray for us as we complete registration in the morning and communicate God’s love to a fresh group of eager and energetic children.
-Carol Parks

Friday, July 9, 2010

La fin

I will be taking a train to Paris tomorrow to join a group of my students that is taking an educational tour. Carol Parks and Phillip Hechtman will take over this blog.
Terri Bittenbender and Keegan Reilly
Carol Parks and Pam Zavadil

Charis Gibbs, Carol, Keegan with DX, Phillip and Dawn Taylor.

We had some interesting experiences on the metro. Many people notice our neon green t-shirts and try to read the back - which has John 3v16 in French. We rode the metro each day to VBS and back.
Here were some of the reactions:
1. A woman addressed us in English and said that France is a secular state. We are not allowed to share our religion in public. Kelly reminded her that each person in France has a right to their opinion and religious clothing is only forbidden schools. ( In public schools, the Catholics must take off their crosses, the Jewish children must remove their yamakas ( sp?) and the Muslim girls can not wear their veils).
2. A girl came up to us and asked point blank if we were Christians. When we said yes, she got all excited. She is French and a Christian. She felt she was the only one in France and wanted to get connected, so Kelly gave her the address of the church.
3. A Muslim woman squinted to read the verse and asked if we were giving away t-shirts. She wanted one to show her children about other religions. I had just changed out of mine, so I gave it to her. She was thrilled. ( I hope she washes it before showing it to anyone!)

FInal program

I took a video of the program, but can't seem to load it here. We moved 3 blocks away to the Eglise Baptiste on Rue d'Italie for the final program. Parents came at 3 pm. We did a final skit for them and the kids sang and danced their songs. The parents loved it and took pictures. We gave each child a Bible ( usually in comic strip form), a certificate and their bag full of crafts.
The week was a success as the parents saw that their children learned more English as well as lots of Bible stories and verses. This ministry has helped to plant 4 churches in the past 6 years.

You know you are tired when.... take a nap on the floor of the pastor's office. Maureen, Dominique, Colleen and I took a little siesta after lunch. With the heat, the traffic roaring by in the city and the constant activity - 40 winks made all the difference for getting through the day!

The week of VBS continues...

In Science we played with slime and saw the results of sin.....what a mess! Slime in our hair, on our clothes and on the floor. Then we washed up. Jesus' blood cleanses us from all sin.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Some of the adults in our group have to check their e-mail and actually continue their jobs while they are here. Carol found the wireless connection in the hall and stood during her break to finish her work.

Good Samaritain story

Elia acts out the part of the wounded traveler and Jérémie is the Good Samaritain who is bandaging him up.

Dad and Dranreb in the Chapel. It is a challenge working with so many different ages, cultures and ethnicities. But God's Word transcends it all.

After a long, hot, sweaty, dusty day in the city with VBS, we shower and change for dinner at the O club. Here, Christine Orsini, Charis Gibbs and Jessica Parks are ready to go!

Janie Reilly leads the crafts.

Joseph shows his artwork
The Toucans, ages 7-10, love "le bricolage" ( Arts and crafts)

The kids love the skit all in French each morning in la Forêt Tropicale. Barb played Yaritza, Dom is the prof and Jonathan is Jean who climbs a tree to escape the raging river.

More fun in VBS

At the end of the day, the kids can say their verse for a prize. Little 6 year old Adam shows his prize.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Kelly and Christine Orsini lead in song. The kids LOVE to sing in French and in English. They do the gestures and danse while they are learning God's Word.

This is our older group - les Papillons. The snack was gummy worms ( brought from the US), yogurt and chocolate shavings to make dirt pudding. Gummy worms are called "serpents" here. The kids hadn't seen them much and didn't like them in general. Also, why do the Americans play with their food and build things?
Pam Zavadil and Dr. Fred lead Science. The kids love to touch and learn. We tie it in with the lesson of the day about God's love.
The kids walk 10 minutes to the city park where Carol Parks leads them in games and sports. Today was water pistols. That felt GREAT in the 90 degree heat!

VBS Monday

Every morning we start with a skit combining the lesson for the day with an adventure in La Forêt Tropicale ( the rain forest)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Dinner in Marseille

I know it looks like all we do is eat......but it is actually the only time we sit down!!! The first picture is Terri ( our cook), Dawn ( Snack Lady) and Maureen Orsini ( fearless leader).
The second is Keegan Reilly who has helped us with the little ones, is in the skit and leads us in devotions. The last one is Jessica Parks who is also in the skit and helps with the 3 and 4 year olds. We need all hands on deck for VBS.

July 4th

Happy Independence Day! We went to church in the morning. Half of our group visited L'Église baptiste and had a service all in French. The other half attended L'église Réformé de Friedland, which is where we are holding the VBS.
In the afternoon we visited Nelly, one of the staff, at her lovely home above the city. Then we drove back to the church to decorated - balloons, posters, crepe paper, Bible verses on the walls and lots of party atmosphere.
It is hot - very hot and the church does not have much ventilation. It is in the city, so if we open
the windows and doors - then we hear loud traffic. If we close them, it gets hotter. A shower each day is a must. 2 showers is better.
52 kids are registered - 20% more than last year. Our jet lag is wearing off and we are excited to be here.


We drove to Aigues Mortes to see the fortress that Louis X. He launched his Crusade ships from here. The men rowing them were criminels - or protestant pastors who had been arrested. ( See picture of the boat on the block of stone). The protestant women were imprisonned in the Tour of Constance - some for 38 years!

July 3 continued

We gave our gifts to M. de Casnove. He is 91 this year and loves Hawaiian shirts! He also enjoyed the Detroit baseball cap that Charis gave him.

Monday, July 5, 2010


Ismini Lamb is our wonderful VBS director. She gets us organized and motivated. Her energy and enthusiasm are terrific. Unfortunately, she fell down the wooden back stairs at the castle. It as horrifying to watch her tumble head first! Her elbow caught in the banister and saved her from breaking her neck. She came away with a broken toe, sprained ankle, and many black and blue bruises.
Nevertheless, she donned her crazy purple hat and did her song and dance for the kids in the VBS on Monday morning. Pray for her healing and her spirit throughout the week!

Friday 3, Saturday

Today we were up and out to climb to la Grotte. We followed a winding trail and after 30 minutes with some rest stops, we found the cave where the protestants used to worship. The "mature ladies" in our group marveled at how the women would have worn long dresses and clogs during a climb back then. Imagine carrying a baby or a Bible at the same time! It was hot day, but there was instant coolness in the cave. Our eyes got used to the darkness and we sang some praise songs. Excellent acoustics and the experience was moving.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Musée du Désert

If you were a protestant pastor after the Edit of Nantes was revoked in France, you would be arrested for preaching. You would betortured, invited to recant and sent to the galleys. Most men only survived about 11 months. On the right is the galley uniform. On the left is the prayer of a galley slave: Lord, make this ring that I wear like a wedding ring and these chains that I drag as chains of your Love....

Dining at the castle

Joseph Hawthorne, Jonathan,Elsa, Dan Painter, Carol Park and Phillip Hechtman. Our team comes from Scotland, USA, France, Wales, Malaysia, Egypt, and England. A real variey! We are united for the sake of Christ.

Meals at the castle

Keegan, Charis, Juliette and Kristie eating at the castle.Dr. Fred ( my dad), Jessica Parks and Barb

Friday, JULY 2

Les petits pain au chocolat were waiting for us for breakfast. Then we headed to the Musée du Déset to learn about the Protestant Réformation. Kelly Orsini was our knowledgeable tour guide. We found out that during the wars of religion in the 1500s,1600s and 1700s, many protestants left France for America. These Huguenots brought with them their skills and " protestant work ethic" . They enriched America and had descendents like George Washington and Jay Adams.
We had time for a swim before rehearsing our Gospel music and planning for VBS. Keegan Reilly gave a good devotions , reminding us that suffering for our faith is not new. Jesus suffered for us and gives us the courage to go on.

We arrived

Thank you all for praying! We all flew in and met in Marseille for lunch and then headed for the Cévennes mountains. It was the first day of French vacations so the traffic was thick. But we got to the castle while it was still light. The girls took one tower and the boys took the other. The adults took the rooms in the middle. Itwas hot-90 degrees, but we felt a cool breeze at night. Nancy Painter had prepared a delicious spaghetti even though she couldn`t be with us. Bed that night never felt so good!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Packing Party

We had a very successful Packing Party last night. First came pizza and some Reformation history. Then we all watched the English dvd of the skit we will do. It's very clever and funny. But the jokes don't translate into French. Most of them are based on American puns. Oh, well!
The kids will enjoy it anyway. Jessica Parks ( in the black) will be one of our actresses and I will be an old river woman in the Rainforest.

Everyone brought a second suitcase. Dawn and Janie directed the packing of the snacks, craft supplies, brownie mixes and music notebooks. We bring brownie mixes because the French don't have them there, but they like them. ( It's chocolate, what's not to like?) After our concerts, outreaches and the final VBS program for the parents, we offer une collation ( a snack) of Brownies. It's always a hit!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Here's the flyer that is going out in Marseille to invite the kids to VBS. Pray that many will come! Pray that the ones from last year will invite their friends.

Translating the skits and Bible lessons

Every morning starts with a skit. Voici Bobbi, Sean, Terri & Yaritza. Pray for me as I translate it into French and as we act it out for the kids. Pray that they understand our French, laugh with it and comprehend the message of God's Love.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Shopping Spree

This year Dawn is in charge of le Goûter ( Snack) and Janie is in charge of le Bricolage ( craft), so they went searching for ideas at the Dollar Store. We are so blessed to have inexpensive products here in the US! They bought les casquettes ( caps), les sacs ( tote bags) and many other things to decorate. Now we have to take it all over in suitcases. In addition, they bought paper plates, napkins and cups. These are items are very expensive in France. Our first few days will be at Le Château Le Solier. We call this "Castle camping" because we have the lodging for free, but we have to provide our own meals and our own eating utensils. Pray that we can fit all this stuff in extra suitcases to take over and that we won't have to pay too much at the airport. Our last meeting and packing party is June 23rd.

VBS Assignments

These change with time, but please pray for the following people in the following jobs:

Marseille Saint Paul
Actor 1 J deHoog Katie
Actor 2 Dominique Dominique
Actor 3 Christine Christine
Actor 4 Jessica P Jessica
Skit Director Kelly Kelly

Bible Teacher, 5-7 year olds Colleen Colleen
Assistant Teacher, 5-7 year olds Jessica P Katie B
Assistant Teacher, 5-7 year olds Maureen O Maureen O

Bible Teacher, 8-10 yr olds Dominique Dominique
Assistant Teacher, 8-10 yr olds Kelly Kelly
Assistant Teacher, 8-10 yr olds Jonathan dH A Orozco

Charis Charis

Bible Teacher, 11-13 yr olds Mme S Emily Thomas
Assistant Teacher, 11-13 yr olds Stephanie G Christine
Assistant Teacher, 11-13 yr olds Christine E Orozco

Music Leader Kelly Kelly
Music Assistant 1 Ailsa Lyon Charis
Music Assistant 2 Christine Christine

Snack Leader Dawn T Terry B
Snack Assistant 1 Juliet C Marie O
Snack Assistant 2 Terry B

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The backdrop

Charis and her church painted this awesome jungle design for the backdrop of our skits. The kids will love it!

The adults

Left to right is:

Grandpère Fred - la science
Dawn Taylor - le goûter ( snacks)
Charis Gibbs - une animatrice ( counselor)
Janie Reilly - le bricolage ( crafts)
Jennifer Hechtman - le bricolage ( 2nd week)