Thursday, June 24, 2010

Packing Party

We had a very successful Packing Party last night. First came pizza and some Reformation history. Then we all watched the English dvd of the skit we will do. It's very clever and funny. But the jokes don't translate into French. Most of them are based on American puns. Oh, well!
The kids will enjoy it anyway. Jessica Parks ( in the black) will be one of our actresses and I will be an old river woman in the Rainforest.

Everyone brought a second suitcase. Dawn and Janie directed the packing of the snacks, craft supplies, brownie mixes and music notebooks. We bring brownie mixes because the French don't have them there, but they like them. ( It's chocolate, what's not to like?) After our concerts, outreaches and the final VBS program for the parents, we offer une collation ( a snack) of Brownies. It's always a hit!!

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