Friday, July 16, 2010

Update - July 16, 2010 - Written by Maureen Orsini

Praise God for the work He is doing in France, and the privilege our team has had in serving Him. We are just finishing up our second week of full day VBS in very warm Provence! Thank you for praying because God is calling His little lambs to himself and 5 children have (individually and on different occassions) answered the call to "Get Found"!

This was our 3rd year of ministry in Marseille and we were very encouraged when J. asked me how to recieve Jesus in his life during crafts. He was well known by our previous teams as one of those boys who were quite "difficult", with a very hard background (adopted off the streets in Eastern Europe at 5 years old). We noticed a big change in his life this year and recognized God's working. Dominique was able to have a great one on one with him and led him in the sinner's prayer asking Christ to wash away his sin and abide in his heart! There is much rejoicing in heaven over one repentant sinner!

This week in St. Paul de Vence, 4 boys, (C.,12, A., 12, T., 10 and E., 8) have prayed on different occassions to recieve Christ. Heaven is rejoicing and so are we. It is such a joy to see their enthusiam to learn about God through the Bible and to choose to sing "I'm Following JESUS!". They all come from unchurched families. Pray that their families will come to the ceremony today and also to the church on Sunday. Two of the boys live close enough to be able to walk to church on their own and have said they will do so. We know that no one comes to the Father unless the Father draws them. Thank you for your continued prayers! It is such an encouragement to see fruit in our ministry and to know that these children and their familes have a place to come and grow and learn more from the ICC church plant here. James Arnold is a great teacher and he is well supported by the Orosco family for discipleship.

There is aslo a Buddist man (L.) who has been coming to the church, helping out, and is seeking God. I know the Lord is drawing him to Himself. Please pray for L., with whom we were able to clearly present the gospel as well.

Ismini is flying home today, so I am where her VBS director hat as well. She is such an awesome joyous leader, and we have been so blessed by her work. The rest of the team will head out on Sunday. Pray that we finish strong!

God is good and we are rejoicing in His work here and what he will soon be doing in the hearts of his little ones at the VBS at Faith church.

Robby Hambd, our missionary to Lebanon has been such an encouragement to me, with his story of coming to Christ (despite being raised in a Druze Muslim home) through a Christian kids camp, at about the same age of these boys. May God guard and keep them and raise these children up for His own glory.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your powerful and effective prayers!

Maureen for the France Mission Team

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